Education needs to be founded on a holistic, inclusive conception of human activity and its relationship to the physical and biological environment.

Education should impart a comprehensive and inclusive perspective of our planet and human society as a self-organizing, self-regulating, open, living organic system. Education should promote holistic, synthetic, integrated thinking and action required for equitable and sustainable peace and prosperity in the 21st century.

Source: UNESCO

Our traditional educational system treats reality as a set of separate, autonomous fields of study, whereas the fundamental truth of our existence is that everything is related with and interacting with everything else. Peace, democracy, prosperity, education, human rights and human welfare are interdependent. So too, the welfare of humanity and the health of our biosphere are inextricably interlinked.  Financial instability and unemployment, water supply and food security, economic growth and social equity, technology and human welfare, industrialization and pollution, energy consumption and ecology, nuclear energy and human security, competition for scarce natural resources and prosperity for all, peace and human rights are interrelated challenges which require integrated solutions. Education needs to be founded on a holistic, inclusive conception of human activity and its relationship to the physical and biological environment. Earth’s problems are our problems.

Education for Sustainability

New Ways of Thinking

Further Reading