The cultivation of individuality is the ultimate aim of education. To be an individual is to be responsible and self-directed, rather than prone to conform to the beliefs, actions and expectations of other people. Individuality is the foundation for original thinking, creativity, invention, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship.

Education cultivates individuality when it is based on freedom and respect for the uniqueness of each student and strives to awaken the interest and curiosity of the student to learn, rather than the transmission of information by the teacher.

Individuality in Education

Further Reading


Original Thinking by Natarajan, Ashok

The original thinker seeks original ideas. Original thinking is made possible by the prior development of thinking that organizes facts into information. The apparently insoluble problems we confront are an opportunity to formulate a comprehensive theory of social evolution. The immediate possibility is to devise complete solutions to all existing problems, if only we use the right method of thought development.Read More