Our understanding of the source of creativity has shifted over the years from “inherited” genius possessed by a few highly talented individuals to a widespread natural endowment of every individual that can be nurtured through education.

Human creativity is the inexhaustible spring from which new ideas, social innovations and material progress emerge in an endless procession. Human beings are inherently and spontaneously creative, unless conditioned by training to suppress creativity in favor of standardized, conformist behavior.

Yet creativity is rarely pronounced as a learning objective in the academic curriculum. WUC seeks to foster adoption of course content and learning methods conducive to the fullest development of individual creative potential.

Characteristics of Creative Pupils

Fostering Creativity through Education

Our understanding of the source of creativity has shifted over the years from “inherited” genius possessed by a few highly talented individuals, to a widespread natural endowment of every individual that can be nurtured through education.

Research findings suggest that creativity can be fostered by instructors who:

Further Reading

Creative Consciousness by Natarajan, Ashok

Consciousness is creative. Value-based educational creativity can awaken and nurture young minds to develop and discover their own inherent capacity for knowledge in freedom. Education is society’s most advanced institution for conscious social evolution. Values are the essence of society’s knowledge for highest accomplishment. Education that imparts values is an evolutionary social organization that can hasten the emergence of that creative consciousness. Read More

Original Thinking by Natarajan, Ashok

The original thinker seeks original ideas. Original thinking is made possible by the prior development of thinking that organizes facts into information. The apparently insoluble problems we confront are an opportunity to formulate a comprehensive theory of social evolution. The immediate possibility is to devise complete solutions to all existing problems, if only we use the right method of thought development. Read More